Sunday, February 13, 2011

New kind of game--tag fight gear

Tag Fight is a new kind of fighting game. In which, players have to shear out the tags on the fighting gear (above). In a limited time, the player who shear more tags on the other would be the winner.

This is a gear for fighting training and use a low technology to make the "score" in fighting match become visible and countable.

gear with all tags shore

gameplay senario

:)  enjoy

coop. with Hong,  here's his blog

Concept Watch- living arm

It is a testing conceptual wall inspired by a clock. The motion is initiated by the case of the watch, and the gear of watch arm is motivated by the casing gear box.
Close up 

testing rendering

Hospitality Cups

 It is a set of cups for the Chinese Rice Wine. In the Chinese table manner, finishing all given beverage or food is a polite manner to a guest. It always makes the guests overtake the amount than they can. The hospitality cups are purposed to give the guests set of cups with different volume( different choices), so as to make a chance for the guest to choose how much they WANT to take and notice the holds before the holds over-pour the wine. And aware the real respect to guest is listening to the want of guest, rather than how much the holds give.

1st ceramic model of cup set

Sing Contest Backdrop

It is a new try to me to make a backdrop for an university event. The earphone model is made of cardboard, paper and cloths. It is about 2M height. ( earphone for giant :) )

Ring Pull Can Opener

It is a assistant for those who have difficulty in pulling the ring-holds of cans, maybe, caused by the weak strength of the fingers or easily broken tall finger nails.
The opener also is designed as a bracelet for the ladies who have the decorated finger nails and are afraid of breaking them.

the working senario

exploded view